Hi. I'm Alex and making sense of design affordances and human cooperative alignment.
Work in progress; for now, the desktop version is live, and I'd love for you to visit it.
I'm sorry for the inconv.
Work in progress;
for now, the
desktop version
is up for visits.
Thanks, Alex
Work in progress;
for now, the desktop version
is live, and I'd love for you to visit.
I'm sorry for the inconv.
Work in progress;
for now, the
desktop version
is up for visits.
Thanks, Alex
Work in progress;
for now, the desktop version
is live, and I'd love for you to visit.
I'm sorry for the inconv.
I have been involved in Metagov, a governance tech research group, in the Ethereum ecosystem and cultures of welfare. I have experience as a service designer for modern public goods concepts and designing for user-operation as precursors to digital cooperatives; I have also been of service as a mentor at the Kernel Fellowship and ETHDenver. Prior to this, I worked as a media artist after studies in network and design analysis [MS in Space Syntax from University College London].
BISP Student UC Berkeley MS Space Syntax The Bartlett BS Arch Aalto University
Part of Metagov, EAAMO Bridges and Foresight Institute's Neurotech Technical Group
Advanced spatial research
+ Graduate in cognition-informed spatial design-interaction, and linked network and sociological theories
HCI, Services
+ Design of collectively [decentralized autonomous organization DAO] operated public services at Gitcoin
Experience Design
+ Works in sound have garnered recognition with a residency with British pop musician FKA Twigs' producer Amnesia Scanner
Outside of work
I compose music that falls somewhere within avant garde club music. With friends, I play tennis and attend a variety of things ← from hackathons and gameplay to curious sites and art shows. More.
Interested in hearing from all kinds of people; please feel free to leave a note.